McMMO allows for an RPG-like experience to exist in the world of Minecraft, complete with skill leveling, special abilities, rare loot, brand new mechanics and more in-depth PvP!

But since McMMO already has a very good wiki page, I will just put the link here :)

One thing that is not explained in the McMMO wiki are parties, so I will be explaining that below.

McMMO Parties

An McMMO party can be created once you are Deckhand or above, anyone can enter the party with an invite once it is create. Party features can be unlocked by leveling up your party, leveling up your party happens spontaneous when one or more party members are online.

While XP sharing is enabled, a share bonus will get added to the shared XP.

Party Commands

/party View information on your current party.

/party join <player> <password> Joins the party of that player. Password is only needed when the party is locked.

/party quit Leave your current party.

/pc Toggles party chat.

/pc <message> Send a single message to your party chat without toggling the chat.

/party invite <player> Invite a player to your party.

/party lock;unlock Locks or unlocks the party you are in.

/party password <password> Sets a password to your party, this only works if your party is locked.

/party create <party name> Creates a party with a name.

/party kick <player> Kicks said player from your party.

/party leader <player> Transfers ownership of the party.

/party disband Disbands the party.

Last updated