
Claims is one of the most important features of Venture. It is used to protect your builds from griefers or players that want to steal your items.

To get started with claims, you need to run the toggle command.

Creating a claim

To create a new claim, all you need to do is enter the claim mode by running command /claim. Once you are in the claim mode, all you need to do is click two points to mark opposing corners.

Resizing a claim

Resizing a claim is just as simple, enter the claim mode by running /claim. Once you are in the claim mode, all you need to do is click one of the claim's corners and then click a new point to expand the claim.

Trust System

To trust a player to your claim, simply stand within the claim and run the command /claimsettings. Once in this GUI, click on the player skull labeled "Per Player Settings" and look for the player you wish to Trust. You will now have another GUI open in which you can modify a bunch of different things for the user to access.

To give trust to anyone on the server, simply stand within the claim and run the command /claimsettings. Once in this GUI, click on the compass labeled "Global Claim Settings", you can now modify a bunch of different permissions for every member on the server.

Sub Claims

In order to have a "plot system", you will first need to be standing in your main claim and do/subclaim, which puts you into the sub-claim mode. Each sub-claim can be done exactly the same as how a normal claim is done, but it has to be within your own claimed area. The sub-claim areas are marked with green, while your entire claim is marked with white.

If you are standing inside your sub-claim and use the /claimsettings command, you will need to click the book and quill labeled "Sub-Claims" to give trust/access to only that sub-claim instead of your entire claim.


/claim Enters/Exits claim mode to claim land.

/subclaim Enters/Exits subclaim mode to create subclaims in your land.

/claimsettings Enters the claim settings GUI to modify your claim.

/eject <player> Ejects a player from the claim you are standing in.


Removes the claim you are standing in.

/unclaimsubclaim Removes the subclaim you are standing in.

/show claims Shows all surrounding claims within 6 chunks.

/show subclaims Shows all surrounding sub-claims within 6 chunks. [Requires access to view-subclaims trust]

/hideclaims Hides all visible claims.

Last updated